Anti-pollen info card by Soul Nutrients

Lovely Weather But Struggling With Hay Fever?

Essential Oils for Hay Fever 

☀️The sun has started to shine - Whilst that’s extremely exciting, and the sun is always welcome- it also means that the hay fever season is here. If you’re one of the 1 in 5 unlucky sufferers of this allergy, then do not fear this year; read on to find out how essential oils can help!

What Is Hay Fever?

🌻 Hay Fever is actually ‘allergic rhinitis’ which is caused by pollen or dust that inflames the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, causing runny noses, sneezing, and watery or itchy eyes. It sends your immune system into chaos, reacting to plants and dust by trying to push them out of our bodies. With tree pollen and rapeseed about to flower, it’s a good time to start thinking about preventative measures. Whilst there are lots of antihistamine products available from the medical world to help treat the symptoms, the uncomfortable and irritating sneezing, sniffling and weeping can also be relieved with 'natural' aromatherapy.

Best Oils For Hay Fever:

Eucalyptus- With a strong camphor like woody aroma eucalyptus is extracted from the leaves of the Eucalyptus Globulus tree. It can be used in a steam inhalation to help with respiratory issues.

Chamomile- A wonderful oil when it comes to calming inflammations down.

Lavender-An incredibly soothing and healing essential oil.

Lemon- With its fresh clear aroma lemon is another great addition to your home diffuser.

Our Anti-Pollen contains all 4 for the perfect blend, can be added to diffuser or bath or even a tissue!

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